July 25, 2005
It's Rapid Blinking Time!!!

My last official Clarion West story is due in less than twelve hours. It currently contains:

2 Hapless time salvagers
1 Chlorine-breathing alien
1 Chechen mobster
1 Dental school dropout from 1983
2 Separate manifestations of Leo Tolstoy
1 Travesty of Vito Corleone called the Grandfather Paradox

It's like Guy Ritchie and Douglas Adams got together and had a crack baby, and then somebody made that crack baby read a hundred short stories and stay up all night drinking coffee for like three days in a row or something. And also kept poking it with a stick. Poor sad little crack baby.

What what what is that buzzing noise I keep hearing?!!

Oh, and my story also had a super-sexy robot named Chareezmo who sounds like Ricardo Montalbán and is in fact upholstered in rich corinthian leather (thanks, SB!), but his scenes got cut so now he's sitting in the scrap pile waiting for a story of his own.

Back to work!!!