May 24, 2004
"Squeeze" is a Funny Word

Once again I'm on the other end of a busy week, and once again I'm squeezing a few more hours of productivity out of my weekend, and once again those hours are wee.

I spent most of this weekend working on 525 Reasons to Dump Bush, the site I maintain with my pal Rhonda. Its one-year anniversary is on Wednesday, and that seems like a good day to introduce some long-overdue upgrades, like category archives and links to other sites (there are a lot of good ones, but lately we are madly in love with Wonkette, and only appropriately jealous of the fact that she gets paid to blog, which is to say very, very, very jealous).

Yipes, that was a baroque sentence. Must be the 3:00 a.m.ness. Or possibly Dickens overload.

Adding category archives isn't particularly difficult, but we've only been saving categories with the entries for the last couple of months, so we get to go back and tag some three hundred posts. And then of course I can't just slap on a text hyperlink that says, for example, "Bullying and Arrogance" - I must make something fancy like this:

or this:

or this:

Ooh, the preview has been sneaked. Snuck. Snikt. Whatever.