June 03, 2005
Lost: One Sense of Time

June 3rd. Really. Honestly. I don't believe it. Not for a second. I mean, it was just May 23rd not, what, three days ago, maybe four? June 3rd. Impossible.

Sigh. And me with a pre-Clarion West to-do list as long as my forearm. I know, because I wrote it there with a Sharpie.

I'd resolved during the split-second that was June 1st to post every day of this new month. So I'm 1 for 3.

The thing is, I've been jotting down potential entries, but they've just been sitting on my desktop. Now the desktop is full, completely covered in TextEdit icons with names like "Spider" and "Victor" and "Goiter".

Here is "Spider", from May 5th:

Our house has a deck with a roof. We like it, and so do the neighborhood spiders.

New homeowner lessons learned #27: Two full cans of spider spray is just enough to piss them off.

I have no idea what else I'd planned to do with that...maybe write a description of two dozen spiders glistening with poison as they drop from the eaves to the deck like nightmare rain. Who knows?